Meetup High Risk
Meetup High Risk
Next level Risk Management in circulair horticulture.
The risks for the horticultural entrepreneur are continuously increasing. Whether it is a problem with pesticides, quarantine organisms popping up, pathogens that strike or a hailstorm that shuts down a large amount of the production. It all happens in Dutch chains and the consequential damage is huge. Incidents do not only affect the involved entrepreneur; they affect the entire chain. With the advent of the circular economy, the risks are only increasing. The question is how we respond to this as a chain. What is needed?
12:30 – Walk in with lunch
13:30 – Introduction by chairman of the day Harrij Schmeitz, Techology Pull
13:35 – Keynote Hans Maurer ‘The impact of a food-crisis on an industry’ – member Executive Committee United Fresh New Zealand and director Strategy The AgriChain Centre.
In 2013, the Chinese dairy market “exploded” for New Zealand due to a suspected microbial contamination in dairy from New Zealand. This food safety scandal did not stay confined to the dairy industry but had far-reaching consequences for the entire agricultural industry, horticulture included. Dr. Hans Maurer, member of the board of United Fresh New Zealand, an industry expert in the area of food safety & biosecurity, introduces us to the impact which this dairy crisis had on the government and on the cultivation of and trade in fresh fruit and vegetables.
14:15 – Dialogue ‘The risks in horticulture are growing. Or are they?’ led by Clemens Stolk – innovatiemakelaar Topsector Horticulture & Starting Materials.
De question is whether the risks in the horticultural industry are actually increasing or whether it is really not so bad. Based on some real life cases we discuss this topic and try to answer the question “about which risks should we really be worrying?”.
14:45 – Break
15:15 – Presentation Miranda Meuwissen ‘Is it still possible?’ – professor cost-effective risk management in food supply chains – Wageningen University & Research.
With the changing risks, the question “could it be better?” arises. Prof. Miranda Meuwissen about the developments in risk management in food supply chains and the question of whether this is still financeable and insurable.
15:55 – Dialogue ‘From horticultural risk to impact of the circular economy: are we ready? led by Clemens Stolk – innovatiemakelaar Topsector Horticulture & Starting Materials.
16:30 – Networking & drinks till 17:30
- Is it possible to limit the damage that is done to the chain due to an “incident”?
- Is a system innovation needed to better manage these problems?
- Are we sufficiently aware of the increased risks in horticulture?
- What is the impact of circular thinking on these risks?
Clemens Stolk
Harrij Schmeitz
– Stewart Brand
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