Nominees TUx Innovation Pitches
TUx Innovation pitch 1
What is the name of your company/initiative?
Towards optimal nutrient content and taste of fresh vegetables: A value chain analysis.
Carotenoids compounds are an important source of anti-oxidants and they are corelated with taste. The high carotenoid products can either be the fresh vegetable (carrots, spinach, tomato) dishes or other concepts (such as juices) developed with these type of vegetables. Improving carotenoids concentration in vegetables through modifying growing and postharvest conditions can contribute to safeguard a constant high-quality product.
TUx Innovation pitch 2
What is the name of your company/initiative?
Possible use of knot weed extract.
"Lyme disease is a complex disease, with sometimes long recovery periods. Prevention of development of Lyme is an important aspect, after seeing and red-ring after a tick-bite. Debate is there, how long a preventive treatment with anti biotics, preventing growth of bacteria in blood after tick bite infection.
There are descriptions that plant based products, like Japanese knotweed, could be used to cure an borreilose infection. Although there is dispute on this mode of action, concentrations used and duration of the treatment.
But, this is about curing, could it serve a role in "prevention" after a bite?
Could the use of fyto chemical extracts from the invasive plant Japanese Knotweed, serve a role in addition / as an alternative to antibiotics use.
It is understood that the compound itself can easily be isolated, in sufficient quantities, without pollution with other plant components and of the "right" isoform. (but is this true??)
additional benefit, we could make the value of the now evasive plant of higher value, so money will become available to combat/ harvest the plant , because actually the roots are needed for isolation of the fythochemical."
TUx Innovation pitch 3
What is the name of your company/initiative?
Snacks for Stars
During our club activities, it became clear that healthy snacks are in high demand among our youth. Apples, candy cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers and watermelons were in high demand, but are not regularly brought to the gym by the youth. To change this, but also to make healthy food accessible to everyone, we are starting the "Snacks for Stars" initiative, where local businesses help us get fruits and vegetables into the sports hall.