Register now for the Topsector T&U Innovation Prize 2023
Register now for the Topsector T&U Innovation Prize 2023
In 2023, the fifth edition of the Top Sector Horticulture & Propagation Materials (T&U) #IMPACT2025 Innovation Prize will take place. In this fifth anniversary edition, the theme of health will take centre stage; special innovations that promote healthier eating and living, and the contribution the T&U sector is making to help achieve climate goals. The solutions and innovations that work towards or contribute to these areas are eligible for the award.
Michiel Roelse, director of TKI Tuinbouw & Uitgangsmaterialen: “I’m proud that this is already the 5th edition of the Top Sector T&U Innovation Prize. This year, we consciously decided to adopt a theme that isn’t closely linked to primary cultivation. It looks at how we can pull together as a sector to improve people’s diet and well-being by using flowers and plants in the home and city.”
Theme 2023: Plants + Human >>> Health
The Dutch horticultural sector is facing a number of challenges affecting its own future when it comes to innovation. However, the sector itself is also has a key role to play in a healthy future, whether it concerns healthier eating or a more health-conscious living environment. Both aspects lead to improved well-being and are essential for the future. For this reason, contributions in any form towards health are central in this edition of the Innovation Prize.

Harrij Schmeitz, IMPACT 2025: “In the first four editions, the Innovation Prize was for startups from TRL level 6; in other words, situations with existing plants. However, we’re aware that there’s a need to collect good ideas from both inside and outside the sector, and to connect them with stakeholders in the chain. Plant the seeds. The TUx is a new feature this year: short pitches of good ideas at the edge of the horticulture & propagation materials sector that improve our food and create a healthier living environment.”
The T&U Innovation Prize is for startups. But the T&U sector is looking for new ideas, even ideas that are still being ‘incubated’ mentally”. That is why we’re holding the TUx for the first time this year; pitch your innovative idea and find a company who can take it onboard.

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